Kazelnut develops state-of-the-art approaches to metabolic health and wellness

We use a multiomics approach to build a more comprehensive understanding of metabolism, the liver-insulin axis and insulin resistance.

Why take a multiomics approach?

The triacylglycerol and fatty acid cycle provide a good example.

Many different molecules, including hormones, metabolites, RNAs and proteins, take part in interconnected cellular pathways that control the gene expression, appetite, glucose and fatty acid synthesis that regulates overall metabolism. Utilizing a wider and more comprehensive multiomics approach is required for holistic metabolism management.

What is the initial pilot study design?
The pilot study is comprised of health individuals between 19 and 60 years of age with BMIs that range between 20 and 35 kg/m2. Collected blood, plasma, urine and saliva samples will undergo multiomics testing including mass spectrometry and next generation sequencing. The resulting data will be analyzed using novel biostatistical methods and employing machine learning to identify genomic, proteomic and transcriptomic profiles of healthy adults.

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